Affiliate Program

It's FREE to start making money as an affiliate.
We offer 2 great ways to make high income through referrals.
  • • Earn 5% commission of the creators you refer for a year.
    Then after a year, you'll earn 2% lifetime commission.
  • • Earn 2% on purchases made by the customer for 90 days.*
You'll receive a unique url that links creators and customers to your account.

FlixMe affiliate features include:

Lifetime Creator Commission

After the first year, you will keep earning 2% commission on every creator you refer for as long as they have an active account.

Fast Payouts

Automatic weekly Friday payouts or you can manually widthdraw your minimum available balance at any time.

Admin Dashboard

A self managed dashboard to view payouts, referrals and more.

Currently open to US, Canada, UK, Australia and most European users. More countries to be added soon. *If you refer a creator, you will earn the standard creator commission for each customer even if the customer also used your referral link. You won't get both commissions. If a referred user purchases from any creator you did not refer, that commission will always be 2%